Zhuge Liang gave him a hard stare and said nothing. "Dad, is it a little star?" In the coffin of blood, the girl asked crisply. "You send them out of here." Blood jade coffin lotus flower flash, directly disappeared in the sky. "Hee hee hee, it’s really a little star." The blood coffin swooped down…
Carline suddenly turned her back on Elena and moved behind a chair. Will you keep her away from me? I won’t let her touch me again. Meredih gently changed the situation. What did you say to me? Carline stared at her and asked chapter five When I saw this girl, Dan was driving aimlessly. She…
"bang!" At this moment, Zhuge stopped moving, and he slowly raised his palm, and the crescent edge crashed and shattered into little stars. A pair of eyes full of dead silence are opened, and the strange eyes turn. In its depths, it seems to be a little purple light, which is breathtaking. Sharp eyes, as…
"How can you say that? Don’t you always hate such people? You haven’t been telling me all the time that the world is high and low, not because our family is poor and rich, but because our hearts are rich and poor, and my heart has always been rich. I always feel that I am…
After all, Wang Xing taught them from an early age to abandon the military and join the literature, and would never advocate their plans. So the two men planned and decided to go behind their father’s back and look for a master in the wild to practice magic. … ———— Chapter VI Disaster But the…
Into the door of the bed, although Du Ruo is sleepy, he can’t sleep. He can stare blankly at the top of the bed. Today’s events are a big blow to her confidence. She studied for half a night, but she was able to determine two kinds of toxins in the poison, let alone the…
Li Cheng gave O ‘Brien a grateful look, and then he didn’t speak again. Carter made a similar request there, and the head coach agreed to Carter’s request. This season, the strength of the Nets is even weaker than last season. Carter is the only one left in the Trident. At the beginning of the…
Dong Zhuo immediately interrupted Cai Yong’s words, "Don’t say this kind of words, which is too good to affect our brothers’ feelings. Today we don’t talk about state affairs and private affairs." "Private affairs?" Cai Yong one leng. "Ha ha! If my niece doesn’t tell me about such a big event as getting married, do…
The innate Geng Jin Excalibur shines with golden light and withdraws from the blood river barrier. Those ghosts are not relaxed at all, and they all follow out, and the twisted hands are entangled in it. At this time, Wei mowgli’s figure suddenly appeared, and then, the soul sword symbols appeared in succession, turning into…
The fourth volume Landscape Tour Chapter one hundred and fifty-one Seven beautiful shadows (2) In the previous cloud, the figure called Nanfurong became clearer and clearer, and Li Wei could feel that there was a bit of cold spirit gathering in the clouds towards the hazy figure. It’s as if I didn’t hear her. I…